Sunday, November 18, 2012

Wait, people get PAID for this shit?

We here at 95 Crayons do, in fact,  have [non-coloring book] day jobs and indulge in this..."hobby" on a part-time basis. Indeed, we do this on a volunteer basis (or pro bono, for those of you who were transported here from Ancient Rome and found us while trying to figure out this whole Internet thing). We know it's difficult to believe, but we haven't found adding suggestive captions to children's coloring books to be an overly lucrative venture.

And we didn't think anyone else did, either, until we found this:

Bunny on a swing, giant cartoon eyes, brightly colored flowers: all just inviting us to corrupt this whimsical children's plaything. But, upon opening, we saw that somebody beat us to it.

"'Basket' is actually his pet name for Mrs. Easterbunny."

"...but he swore he was just holding it for a friend."

No, it's not the black one, you fucking racist! The one on the bottom left has four whiskers, and you should be ashamed of yourself. 

OK, this caption isn't suggestive, but there's something really creepy going on here, which suggests that the dots are going to be connected by an officer of the vice squad. 

This is made even better by the fact that Eggbert inexplicably has a flat top. 

-Bruce and Danielle

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