Sunday, October 28, 2012

One Crayon Short

Two short weeks ago, we, ages 25 and 26,  made the life-altering decision to incorporate coloring into our relationship. It was a decision not made in haste, but out of genuine love and passion for shitty children's art mediums. We went to the local Dollar Tree and bought some appropriately heinous coloring books and a 96-pack of Crayola crayons. Then we went to town on our newly acquired treasures. Just a few pictures in, though, one of us (who shall not be named) broke the "Yellow" crayon - reducing us to just 95 colors, only two of them primary. Let us interject, here, that this was particularly heartbreaking, as so many of the crayons have fantastically hilarious names; yet, we are stuck recounting the tale of "Yellow".

It was truly a tragedy for the ages. But once the tears dried up, we realized that it was actually a blessing in disguise: the address was already taken, while was free.

It bears noting that is a complete fucking waste of cyberspace. It is literally just a picture of crayons. It is nothing but a goddamn picture of crayons. There's not even 96 of them in the picture. At least our picture shows the box. It's clearly the superior of the two pictures. So, even though it ended up being our windfall, if you're out there,, you can just fuck right off.

In any event, on this blog we plan to share the coloring book drawings we make together. Hopefully, you will enjoy the many artistic liberties we take, and we can showcase the fact that real art can be found anywhere, even at the gas station or the grocery store...fuck it: ESPECIALLY at the gas station or grocery store. We all know that the best things in life come from the fucking gas station.

-Bruce and Danielle

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