Sunday, November 18, 2012

Wait, people get PAID for this shit?

We here at 95 Crayons do, in fact,  have [non-coloring book] day jobs and indulge in this..."hobby" on a part-time basis. Indeed, we do this on a volunteer basis (or pro bono, for those of you who were transported here from Ancient Rome and found us while trying to figure out this whole Internet thing). We know it's difficult to believe, but we haven't found adding suggestive captions to children's coloring books to be an overly lucrative venture.

And we didn't think anyone else did, either, until we found this:

Bunny on a swing, giant cartoon eyes, brightly colored flowers: all just inviting us to corrupt this whimsical children's plaything. But, upon opening, we saw that somebody beat us to it.

"'Basket' is actually his pet name for Mrs. Easterbunny."

"...but he swore he was just holding it for a friend."

No, it's not the black one, you fucking racist! The one on the bottom left has four whiskers, and you should be ashamed of yourself. 

OK, this caption isn't suggestive, but there's something really creepy going on here, which suggests that the dots are going to be connected by an officer of the vice squad. 

This is made even better by the fact that Eggbert inexplicably has a flat top. 

-Bruce and Danielle

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Oh, the Humanity!

So Bruce is out of town this weekend and I'm going it alone. Actually, I'm spending most of the weekend moving, which is an enormous pain in the ass. There's nothing like packing all your shit into boxes to make you realize just how much worthless crap you own and just how very few boxes the important parts of your life fit into. Also, both places currently look like an episode of "Hoarders". It's fucking atrocious.

Like this, but with more coloring books and dinosaur toys.

Anyway, to cure some mid-afternoon boredom, I began Googling phrases that I know can be found on our blog, just to see where we land in the search results. You see, to my great delight, I was recently informed that we are the TOP Google search result when you enter "Mr. Biggles Trader Joe's". You don't even need the fucking quotes. Check this brilliant shit out! On a whim, I decided to search "Rampaging Coloring Fun". This led to a truly shocking and disturbing discovery: not only do we not even make the front page of search results, some asshat is ripping people off on eBay by selling these dollar store coloring books for an unspeakable $2.99- plus an exorbitant $2.98 in shipping! Of course, I've taken it upon myself to selflessly and virtuously expose this lowlife.

And to think, this conniving motherfucker has 100% positive feedback!

This book must be much heavier than the other one. I can't imagine any other reason to charge a whopping $6.09 (approx. $6.10 Canadian) for shipping a fucking wad of paper. Bruce adds (from his remote location): "The only way a coloring book should be worth that much is if it is signed by a Kentrosaurus."

I think the packing tape fumes are getting to me.


Friday, November 9, 2012

Princess Party: Break Out the Pink Crayons!

For those of you who don't already know, there is definitely a Disney princess in this relationship (HINT: It's not Danielle). So, when we found the Princess "Giant Book to Color" (presumably published by the same geniuses behind our perennial favorite, "Rampaging Coloring Fun"), at least one of us was REALLY excited...just as every pretty little princess trapped in the body of a 26-year-old male should be.

Of course, we were both delighted to find that inside, this book holds a veritable treasure trove of princess pictures that could be effortlessly warped by our not-so-grown-up minds.

"I just farted!" 

Most people hide their butt plug and anal beads in a drawer, but, hey, you're a fucking princess, you can do whatever you want!

"They call it bestiality because it's the BEST." 

"...and here you'll find the cloaca." 

Hey kids, this is 2012! You can be a princess AND teach biology! (Danielle adds: "This would be the greatest and most disturbing PBS show ever.")

If Ian McKellen showed up to your door dressed like this, and declared, "I'm a princess!", would you have the balls to tell him he isn't? Neither of us would. 

Royally yours,
Bruce and Danielle

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Animal Husbandry: Stories from the Bible

Suppose you're a young, enthusiastic coloring book artist who's into some weird shit...sexually. Let's say, oh, you like watching animals fuck. So, you go to art school and triumphantly receive your MFA in coloring. Then, you suddenly realize a cruel truth about the coloring book market: there's not much demand for coloring books about animals fucking.

But, wait! There is a lot of demand for anything Bible-related.

So what do you do if you just happen to be a sexual deviant hired to illustrate "Bible Stories"? Obviously, you draw pictures of animals fucking. Lots and lots of animals fucking.

"Unlike Tim Tebow, not every gator is a virgin"

"Ok, so I know I should make fun of these koalas' tender, post-coidal embrace, or maybe point out the fact that they've clearly incorporated foliage into their sexual escapades, but I'm completely distracted by the fact that that is fucking BAMBOO. Not only is this guy into some seriously kinky shit, he's also goddamn retarded."

"Legitimate rape never results in cubs."

"I can't help thinking I might have a touch of whatever this author has, since I continually find reptilian blowjobs in these books."

There were just too many of these to color, so here is a montage of some other animals getting to know each other "biblically":

Now, presumably the Noah's Ark story, in combination with the presence of more than two animals of each species, implies that at some point in Biblical times, some animals did the nasty (Danielle was really tempted to write, " they do on the Discovery Channel"). But this coloring book takes that subtle implication and makes it the foundational principle of Judeo-Christian scripture.

Let's run the numbers. There are 112 colorable pages in this "coloring and activity" book. Of them, fully 25 feature animals that genuinely and unmistakably look like they are actively engaged in a sexual act, or at least staring longingly at each other. Damn. That's 22%. Let's compare that to the sort of coverage that some other major Bible stories receive:
  • Tower of Babel: 2 pages (1.8%)
  • Jonah: 1 page (.9%)
  • Jesus Christ: 1 page (.9%)
  • The Ten Commandments: 0 pages (0%)
  • Passover: 0 pages (0%)
At some point, the editors must have noted the preponderance of animals knocking proverbial (haha) boots, and threw in a few sexually suggestive drawings of human beings for good measure. You know, for those weirdos with biped fetishes.

The free Bible we got from that hotel room didn't have anything about Jerry Sandusky. I guess the Gideons are a bunch of Ohio State fans. 

"As my mother would say, 'There's another nice Jewish boy with his Shiksa whore.'"

"I'm a good friend of your parents. They're busy today and wanted me to take you home after the korbanot sacrifices." 

And finally, this one splits the baby (to use a biblical metaphor): 

Yours in Scripture,
Danielle and Bruce

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Rampaging Coloring Fun I

As we excitedly paged through the dinosaur "book to color" that we found at the Dollar Tree, one thing became painfully obvious: some depressed, underpaid artist who truly fucking regrets every life choice he has ever made decided to vengefully fill this book with as many suggestive dinosaur pictures as possible. His editor either didn't care, or was too damn oblivious to pick up on any of it.

Of course, we set out to remove any subtlety and give each of these pictures the captions that they deserve. (Hint: if you haven't noticed yet, you can click on each of the thumbnails below to see a larger version of the picture.)

"Well shit. We've all been there, but hopefully not since third grade."

It's important to note that those little shit blobs are not a post-factory addition. They were actually in the ORIGINAL FUCKING PICTURE. It cannot just be us. These children's books are goddamn obscene.

"Hipsters ruined the late Cretaceous." 

"It is 'the world's oldest profession'."

"He's not gay, he's just confident in his masculinity...and his fashion sense."

"Really, Dude! It's not gay unless your balls touch!"

OK, there was at least one picture with a childish theme...unless, like us, you prefer to interpret this as the run-up to some non-consensual tickling of a chained kidnapping victim off-screen. 

There's much more where this came from. Stay tuned for MORE mesozoic coloring madness!

- Bruce and Danielle